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25 Ways To Ask Your Kids “So how was school today?” Without Asking them “So how was school today?” #1. What was the best thing that happened at school today? (What was the worst thing that happened at school today?)#2. Tell me something that made you laugh today.#3. If you could choose who would you like to sit by in class? (Who would you NOT want to sit by in class? Why?)#4. Where is the cooles..
ActiveX Launcher를 이용한 해킹 http://www.gilgil.co.kr/bbs/view.php?id=lecture&no=639 ActiveX가 악용되어 질 수 있는 간단한 예를 들었습니다.초보적인 내용이고, 간단한 웹 스크립트 정도만 알고 있으면 누구나 이해가 되실 겁니다. 유명 메신저를 이용하여 백도어 설치하기http://www.gilgil.co.kr/bbs/view.php?id=lecture&no=633 MITM Attack의 개념이 이상한 방향으로 흘러 가는 것 같아서 올려 봅니다. BankTown ActiveX 보안 취약점http://blog.dreamwiz.com/songjaehoon/5869741 Fuzzing에 대한 어느 보안 전문가의 글입니다.ActiveX도 COM이고, C..
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The World’s Most Dangerous Countries A list of the world’s most dangerous countries was put together by a risk assessment groupthat rated crime, police protection, the risk of terrorism and stability in the world’s nations.Somalia was number one on the list for many reasons. The biggest danger is piracy. Modern pirates have captured over 40 ships in the past year; however, the country itself is ..