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20131227 본문
The World’s Most Dangerous Countries
A list of the world’s most dangerous countries was put together by a risk assessment group
that rated crime, police protection, the risk of terrorism and stability in the world’s nations.
Somalia was number one on the list for many reasons. The biggest danger is piracy. Modern pirates have captured over 40 ships in the past year; however, the country itself is also deep
in chaos. Warlords and paramilitary groups rule a state, in which there is no real government.
Afghanistan came in second. It is a war-torn country in which the Taliban still have much
power. Many political experts believe that it is still a main base for Al Qaeda terrorists.
Iraq still has an unstable government. Nobody knows what will happen when the Americans
leave Iraq.
The most dangerous states in the world have one thing in common: no democracy. They have always been ruled by dictators or foreign countries that left nothing behind.
What are the three most dangerous countries?
Why are they dangerous?
Would you like to go to those countries?
Why or why no?
Is your country a safe or dangerous place?