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목록13.영어 (25)
it's about the women who want to go into battle unfair to exclude women from combat duty. There are plenty of women who would jump at the chance to prove themseleves in the battlefield. How do you feel about sending women in combats? Do you think female casualties would affect army morale differently than male losses? Would you consider sending your daughter in to military school? no only if the..
it's about Sports Minded Sports have become an internationally dominating fielld in which every country is actively paricipating. I has led many people to great height. Not only people but the countries they are representing. Sports have helped various countries to thrive their economy by organizing various sports events. organizing sport play a vital role in publicize what on country has to off..
Sentence Construction: I don't have any plans for this weekend. I want to watch a movie. It's a Korean movie. It's very popular in Korea. I learned soccer in elementary school. Sometimes I win, sometimes I lose. I also like baseball and basketball. I like all kinds of sports.
Do you agree capital punishment? In my case, I agree it. killing human beings is an unforgivalble crime. recently, we are listening to sorrowful news like rape an muder Capital punishment is essential to control violence in society. Captial punishment is effective in fearing a prince and preventing crimes. Of course, excution might not be the best choice for reducing crimes. It might violate hum..
it's about The power of power napA growing number of companies ar recognizing the health benefits of quick snooze,inclouding increased alertness,enhanced brainpower, an fewer sick days. and some companies are offering designated nap rooms. This result of research is very very important A 15 to 20 minute nap a day helps restore memory I am taking a nap after lunch on the job everyday about 30minu..