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20131219 본문
Social media networks are changing our relationships
Communication technology is invading our life more than ever before. Psychology experts
have noticed that more and more marriages are breaking up because of social media sites.
One of the reasons may be because Facebook makes it possible to communicate with old
friends from high-school or former boy or girl friends that you have not had contact with in ages. Couples are not communicating with each other as they should in real life. They do not
argue about things in the usual way, they tend to carry out quarrels in public. Emotions are
reduced to Likes or Dislikes, smiley faces or other emoticons.
They don’t share with each other, they share with everyone. Facebook has defined privacy
in a new way. Many things that should be private have become public
How does communication technology invade people's lives?
What are the effects of internet to our personal relationships?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of social networking sites?
Possible advantages
- Expands market research, implements marketing campaigns, delivers communications and directs interested people to specific web sites.
- Facilitates open communication, leading to enhanced information discovery and delivery.
- Opens up the possibility for hackers to commit fraud and launch spam and virus attacks.