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20131129 본문
Passover – Jewish Feast of Freedom
Passover is celebrated at about the same time as Easter and lasts for 7 or 8 days. During
Passover Jews around the world remember their freedom from slavery in Egypt.
The word Passover comes from the tenth plague. The firstborn son of every Egyptian family was killed. God told the Jews to mark their door posts with the blood of a roasted lamb to
show him that they were His children. In this way the firstborn sons of the Jews survived.
Today, many Jews gather in synagogues every year to retell the Passover story. The most
important food of this holiday is “matzo”, which is bread made of flour and water. It is flat
because Moses and his followers didn’t have time to let the bread rise. Many families sing
songs and say prayers during the holidays.
Talk about a similar tradition done in your country, if any.
National Liberation Day Celebrations
Korea gained its independence from Japanese colonial rule on August 15, 1945
Are you aware of any religions/religious traditions forbidden in your country?
in my opinion
omm.... maybe there is no forbidden religions in korea
religion is freedom
religion is one of our most precious democratic rights
What are your thoughts about places/countries where certain religions/religious traditions are prohibited?