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20131125 본문
I took a regular TOEIC test last week
I had to studied so hard because I needed to got a TOEIC score of 750 points or more
In fact, I had only 500 points before september,..
I was so tired and exhausted.
More than half of the world’s population lives in urban areas. Traffic and pollution are
becoming a big problem in big cities all over the world. In megacities like Mexico City,
Shanghai or Cairo the quality of the air is getting worse every day. In the United States
commuters spend more time sitting in traffic jams.
Today city planners around the world are looking for ways to provide more room for living and less room for cars. Through traffic jams people do not only lose time in getting to work, cities become dirtier too. Too much space is taken away from nature and used for streets
and parking areas. In the past city governments have not been spending enough money on
public transport systems that work.
For Third World cities the problems have just started. Traffic is getting worse as more and more people can afford to buy a car.
Describe the pollution and traffic situation in your city.
->There are too many people and cars in seoul.
it is became a big problem
more than on quater of the korean's population lives in seoul.
Too many cars frequent both sides of the Han River, too much pollution is generated
What would you rather use, a public transportation or a private car?
Bus services are generally more energy efficient than cars
We need to imagine a future where there is much, much less lost time in car jams and traffic, and then we need to build it
Can building parks really help in solving or at least minimizing traffic and pollution?
traffic congestion charges for large building owners