James Bond- Actors, Movie and Gadget
James Bond is an English secret agent who was created by Ian Fleming in his first novel Casino
Royale in 1953 . Bond, also known as agent 007, is an attractive man who likes women.
All James Bond movies have been made into successful films. All of them have made a net profit of
over $4 billion. Sean Connery was the first Bond. He played the role in six movies from 1962 to 1971.
George Lazenby took over the role for one film “On Her Majesty’s Secret Service” , but gave it back to Connery for one more film. From 1973 to 1985 ,Roger Moore portrayed Bond in more like a playboy way. Timothy Dalton played James Bond in two movies and Pierce Brosnan starred in four movies
from 1995 to 2002. Daniel Craig is the present Bond, starring in Casino Royal in 2006 and A Quantum of Solace in 2008.
Bond films always have the same ingredients: a lot of action, car chases, leaps from high mountains,
gunfights and narrow escapes. James Bond always drives in extravagant cars that have included an
Aston Martin, a BMW Z3 and a Lotus Esprit. He also is the first to test MI5s latest inventions- deadly
darts, watches that explode and special guns.
Who is James Bond?
What are some of Bond's special weapons and gadgets?
Do you like watching these kinds of movies? Why or why not?
Do you want to be like James Bond?
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I should take a rest....I need rest.
I need an recharge energy.