

JamesK78 2013. 11. 26. 08:50

Yeserday I worked overtime because I had to do many things

Today is my second year of wedding anniversary 

It  has been 2years since we married.

Time files like a wind.

a marriage life is very hard to manage because there are lots of surprise rivals

I am grateful what I am now with my wife. 

Thanks you for being my Wife.

Mountain Gorillas - Endangered Primates in Eastern Africa

Mountain gorillas are one of the most endangered animals in the world. Scientists think that there are only about 600 mountain gorillas left. They live in the higher regions of the rain

forests in Rwanda, Uganda and Congo.

Life for mountain gorillas, however, is not peaceful. They are endangered in many ways.

More and more people are moving to live in the rain forests. There they burn down trees to get more farmland, build roads and settlements. The habitat of mountain gorillas is getting

smaller and smaller.

Still many Africans are working hard to protect mountain gorillas. The African Wildlife

Foundation has established a conservation program to save the last mountain gorillas

Are there any endangered animals in your country?

The siberian tiger is a rare kind of tiger. It is one of the largest tigers in the world.

It is also endangered.

In the early 1900s, siberian tigers lived in north eastern china, the  korea, and sourth eastern Russia.

Today  there are almost no Siverian tigers in sourth Korea.  and only a small number of them living in Russia.

Are some species more important to save from extinction than others?

There are a lot of animals which hard to see.

Name other endangered animals that you know.

Otters, Pink Dolphins, Rhino, See Otter, Giant Panda, and Blue whale. 

In many such endangered animals, I can remember them.

Are some species more important to save from extinction than others?