Endangered Tigers
It is a desperate time for the world's tigers. There were once a lot of these majestic creatures throughout eastern and southern Asia. Now, wild tigers live only in small areas of India,
China, eastern Russia, and a few other countries. Conservationists have been working for
decades to save the big cats but the number of wild tigers continues to drop. There were
an estimated 100,000 tigers living in the wild a century ago, compared with no more than
5,000 today.
As people change forests to cities and farms, tigers have lost their living areas. On top of
that, poaching—the illegal hunting of wild animals—is a major threat to the cat's survival.
The attitude may change if people become more educated about the plight of the animals
and how endangered they are.
How important is the preservation of wild tigers?
People should be educated about plight of the animals
What is the major cause of their endangerment?
As people change forests to cities and farms, tigers have lost their living areas. On top of
that, poaching—the illegal hunting of wild animals—is a major threat to the cat's survival.
What can ordinary people do to help?
the tiger survives today thanks to public support.
their efforts have been remarkably successful.
they need support.
I think we(ordinary people) should stand behind them all the way.
I predict that tigers would soon disappear from the Earth.
llegal hunting and reckless destruction of toger habitats had brought the big cats to the edge of extinction.