

JamesK78 2013. 11. 20. 08:30

“What is happiness? How does a person determine whether he or she is happy?

Often people confuse joy with happiness, but they are not the same. Joy is fleeting

moments of happiness, while happiness is long lasting. A person winning a lottery is

overwhelmed with joy, but it may not bring happiness. An elderly woman with five

children and twenty grandchildren is happy because she knows she is loved.

Happiness can be defined as an emotion similar to being sad, mad, angry, frustrated,

joy, love, etc.“

How do you make your self happy?

I am happy with my hobbies and interest.

learn a new language and playing guitar.

This will make me feel more cultured.

and Read the news. knowing what's going on in the world.

it will also help me make interesting conversation.

How do you make other people happy?

emotionally supportive.Everyone wants to know that they are loved and appreciated.

Encourage them to follow their dreams

Cheer them up when they’re down.

Give a gift. 

what was the happiest moment of your life?

Sentence Construction:
I hate the weather today.
I like warm weather.
It snowed yesterday.
When I got married~
When I traveled to America~

I don't have any plans yet.